Saturday, 25 August 2012

Murder 1 Shortlisted for Walthamstow International Film Festival Award

Great news for Murder Minutes fans and jazz/art lovers!
The original 'Murder Minutes' film by Alban Low and Bill Mudge has been shortlisted at the Walthamstow International Film Festival. It will be screened at a special event at the BFI Southbank on the 7th September 4-5pm.

The 2012 judges Barry Bliss, Walthamstow-based film director who has recently shot a musical in the area starring Paul McGann and Gary Kemp; Noel Goodwin, Head of Youth Education at the BFI, David Jenkins, Film Critic from Little White Lies magazine and Kate Vogel, TV & Film Producer from the Tate Britain will announce the section and overall winners of the competition after the screening.

A big thank you to Liza and Paul Fletcher who celebrate their 3rd year of exhibiting 3 minute Drama, Documentary, Experimental, Animation and First Films. A fantastic festival where we screened our first film in public. So close to our hearts.

There will also be a chance to see all the films selected - on Saturday 8th and Saturday 15th September at the Vestry House Museum in Walthamstow Village from 1pm to 5pm.
The exhibition continues on Sunday 9th and Sunday 16th September from 1pm to 5pm at Lotolie Family Hairdressers in Walthamstow Village in the basement.